Patches submitted for OPW Internship

In this post i shall explain about the patches i submitted for gnome opw.After going through all the projects i choose Mozilla oneanddone which is basically a task board where contributers can pick a task and feel good about them.Tasks usually includes automation,manual testing,verification etc.This site is written in django and playdolph.I have submitted three patches to the project

patch1: Made Task description intended not required

Make the task description optional.Find the field in the table that stories task description.Set null on the column in database and in forms allow this field to be left blank.In django it simple a line of code in the model

short_description = models.CharField(blank=True, null=True, max_length=255, verbose_name=description)

and use south for migration

Step 2: schemamigration tasks –initial migrate tasks

patch 2: Add an optional personal url in users profile:

My favorite part was writing a custom form field for personal url

Patch2:Linkify home page

Learned about translational strings )

patch 2

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